Friday, May 9, 2014

I responded to the post Mr.Bainter made on  the article "Government Education vs. Actual Participation". This Article is very sad in the sense of how many people do not vote for elections. I strongly agree with the point that you made about someone not wanting to vote because they think that some other person will just make up the vote for them. I believe that many people just dont care about politics and the government the way that they used to. I remember learning in American Government that as an American voting in the Presidential election, we have more of a chance to win the lotto than we do for our vote to matter. As a citizen wouldn't that make you feel like voting would just be a waste of time? I feel that in any election we are always just voting for the less of the two evils. I wish that us American's where able to matter more, and our votes really count. The sad part is that in local elections we are able to have more of a voice and play a bigger part in the outcome, but I feel that people are just so tired of the way that big national elections go that they have just given up on voting all together.
As far as the percentage of registered voters not voting is not suprising. I feel that registering to vote is made so convenient that there is no reason for anyone not to register. I mean the people literally come to your school,work, neighborhood, paper in hand registering voters. I believe that if they made this much of an effort to actually get "the vote" the percentage of people who voted would be dramatically higher.

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