Monday, April 28, 2014

Today I read “Nuclear weapons plant cited for safety concerns” by the Associated Press from the Austin American Statesman. This article is about how “experts have recommended improving operating and training after inspectors raised concerns about explosives safety at the nation’s only nuclear weapons assembly and dismantling plant.” The main argument is that there have been six incidents since 2012 that have caused a major concern. The plant being northeast of Amarillo has had incidents such as improperly packaging explosives, special nuclear materials, and improper shipping of incompatible explosives.

The concern that the Associated Press has is the harm it can do to innocent people. I agree that this company Pantex needs to do something to be more strict on the way that they handle these explosive materials. You would think that if this is the only company in the country that handles explosives like this would do everything possible to be as safe as possible. I feel that the Associated press did a great job presenting their argument and backs up their concerns with evidence of mishandling. I feel that the Texas and U.S. government should do everything possible to ensure that Pantex is very strict on how their employees handle these dangerous explosives to make sure that no other person is put into danger.

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